"Autobiobliophiles: Artists who make or use books"
Studio Bibliothèque
27 May - 3 Jun 2007
- Stephane Mallarme
Autobiobliophiles: Artists who make or use books is an exhibition of book art by 28 contemporary artists from various leading cities in the world, namely, New York, California, London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Tokyo, Taipei, Hong Kong and Singapore. It will be held at the newly established Studio Bibliothèque in Hong Kong during 27 May – 3 Jun 2007.
As a neologism of “autobiography” (the writing of one's life) and “bibliophiles” (people with special affections for books), the exhibition’s main title Autobiobliophiles brings to focus the varied ways of constructing and consuming the book in the artist's production of self. It addresses the questions: How does the self (re)produce as/in a book? How does one remember, imagine or record aspects of one's life through the book form?
Hot on the heels of the recurrent bird flu in Hong Kong is the impending 'book flu epidermic', consisting of a wide range of autobiographical bookworks exploring mundane and controversial subthemes like love, sex, fiction, biography, tradition, family, travel, writing, solitude, language and war. Among the works are: Tom PHILLIPS' intervention to a victorian novel, James R HOLDSWORTH's throngs of paper aeroplanes flying out of a book, ZHENG Bo's video-and-book installation on his family, Shubigi RAO's pseudo-biography, Michael LEE Hong Hwee's treatise on love, Heman CHONG's science fiction, MAI Ren-jie's Sino-kamasutra, Amy CHAU's almost entirely blanked out diary, the duo DUTTON & SWINDELL's collaborative confessionals, and Reiko KISHIMOTO's dictionary on being a professional foreigner. They fall into one of three categories of audience/reader interaction: offset prints which may be freely browsed by hand; limited editions that require handling through gloves; and finally, the sculptural and installational pieces that are to be viewed but not touched. They are variously presented on walls, plinths, tables, shelves or as part of installations and videos.
This exhibition is the first in the Things artists do… series of exhibition-cum-publication projects addressing the gap in the onslaught of survey projects dealing with theme (e.g, travel) and art form (e.g., video), by focusing on the action and being of artists, e.g., artists who make models, conduct interviews, tell stories, scream, kiss, cry etc… as significant aspect of their practice. This exhibition is part of Fotan Open Studios, organized in conjunction with the 50th Anniversary and graduation show of the Department of Fine Arts in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. It is the inaugural exhibition of the newly established Studio Bibliothèque, the work space of artist Michael Lee Hong Hwee, which facilitates experiments in making, writing, curating and learning.
Studio Bibliothèque
Room 1812, Block B,
Wah Luen Industrial Centre,
15-21 Wong Chuk Yeung Street,
Fo Tan, New Territories,
Hong Kong
1500h, Sun, 27 May 2007
Exhibition dates:
Sun, 27 May - 3 Jun 2007
Opening hours:
1500 – 2000h daily
Alexis HY
Ambrose ANG
AU Hoi Lam
Embassy Projects
Map Office
Michael LEE Hong Hwee
Sabrina KOH
Shubigi RAO
Terence LIN
Tozer PAK
Vertical Submarine
Michael LEE Hong Hwee
(+852) 92497199
Nothing Ever Happens (one of the spreads) I don't need a man to be a woman (detail view) Acrylic on found book, 17 x 11 x 3cm Sabrina KOH, 2005 Untitled (installation view) Odd One In: Hong Kong Diary (cover design) Mixed-media assemblage, 75 x 37.5cm
Laser print and ink on paper, Various sizes
Darrell LIM, 2006
Pseudoscience in suitcase & on table, Variable sizes
Shubigi RAO, 2005-6
Offset print
Tozer PAK, 2005Storeys/Stories (series of 7)
Mixed-media objects, 24.5 x 26.5 x 5cm each
Terence LIN, 2004
Video-cum-book installation, 26min
ZHENG Bo, 2005
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